
Be first to see our new and exclusive properties before they appear on other portals like Rightmove or Zoopla

Launched in January 2015, OnTheMarket.com is the new and simple way to search for property. We aim to provide all potential buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants with an exceptional property search service.

The technology is state-of-the-art and our website will seamlessly adapt to fit all screen sizes. We hope, when you search OnTheMarket.com, you'll enjoy our cleaner, fresher, more focused approach. No irritating ads, no unnecessary information, no spam mail and no nonsense. Just hundreds of thousands of beautifully presented homes for sale or for rent at all price points across the UK. What's more, as a mutual business without external shareholders, we will ensure that our focus remains on improving the search.

Thousands of estate and letting agents have moved to OnTheMarket from other sites and many are advertising their new properties exclusively with us first: 24 hours or more ahead of other portals. If you're looking to buy, make sure you don't miss out on these properties and set up an instant property alert today.

And if you're selling or letting a property, choosing an agent who is a member of OnTheMarket means that your property will not be mixed in with homes being marketed by remotely located, part service "internet-only" operators or directly by private sellers or landlords.

Every property you see at OnTheMarket.com is on the market with full-service, office-based estate or letting agents who are experts in their local area.

So whether you're looking to buy or sell, we're in business to improve the way you search. See www.onthemarket.com Agents specify exclusivity and are committed to accuracy under terms of use.


Launched in January 2015, OnTheMarket.com is the simple, state-of-the-art property search without intrusive ads, spam or distractions.


What are "new & exclusive" properties?
Many of our member agents are choosing to list their new properties with OnTheMarket.com before advertising them on any other portal. We provide an excellent environment for launching a new property with no added clutter or potentially unhelpful information. This 'New & exclusive' banner is shown on these properties until they are released to another portal.

How long will properties be exclusive to OnTheMarket.com
Member agents choose how long to list properties exclusively with us. They send the property information to us first, specifying the earliest time they will release it elsewhere. Visitors to OnTheMarket.com can generally see the details of such properties 24 to 48 hours before they appear on any other portal.

How can i be sure to see details of these properties as quickly as possible?
It's as easy as setting up an instant property alert here. When we receive details of new-to-market properties which match your search criteria, we'll deliver them straight to your inbox.

Every property you see at OnTheMarket.com is on the market with full-service, office-based estate or letting agents who commit within our terms of business to providing accurate property information and instructions.-